MLIS Portfolio



Various projects that were completed throughout the program


This page consists of creative projects that I’ve worked on throughout my time at UCLA.

“Inside the Archive” podcast

In my Media Archiving and Preservation course, we interviewed UCLA’s Audiovisual Preservation Studio’s archivist, Chloe Patton, and USC’s film archivist, Dino Everett for a podcast. They discussed the challenges they face, and the importance pf media archiving and preservation.

Interviewed by Gabriel Cardenas and Mariah Sander
Narrated by Gabrielle Wood
Transcribed by Jack Tieszen
Recorded & edited by Eileen Keegan

Baldwin Hills Library Zine

The Baldwin Hills Public Library encourages the creation and distribution of low budget self-publications, or ‘zines, from community members. For our Spring 2019 Values and Communities course, our team found it appropriate to put together a ‘zine describing Baldwin Hills Public Library’s history and services.

Design completed by Mario Gallardo, Dylan Karlsson, and Eileen Keegan
Research and text completed by Jonathan Calzada, Gabriel Cardenas, Grace Diliberto, Mario Gallardo, Dylan Karlsson, Eileen Keegan, Lawrence Maminta, and Ellen Mitchell

Movies of Music research guide

In Spring of 2019, I put together a research guide explaining how to access movies based on music for my Performing Arts Librarianship course. Please view this video walkthrough of my research guide. 

Reel-to-Reel Audio Transfer Exercise

In Fall of 2019, Maya Edmond and I digitized a 1.0 mil, 1800ft, 7” polyester open reel tape, using a TEAC 7030SL quarter-inch reel-to-reel player. This exercise required cleaning of the machine before playback, and setting the player to 7.5 ips 2-track. Since the tape was recorded at 3.75 ips, and the player could only be set to 7.5 or 15 ips, editing was required.

Here, you can listen to the original transfer. It includes the second track playing backwards and at double the speed.

Then once the file was digitized, we were able to single out the track using Audacity, a free audio editing software. Here is the edited, digitized track.